This Game was created for the GMTK Game Jam 2023 with the theme 'Roles Reversed'.

Known Bug: You can trigger multiple endings at once.

Solution: You can right click to close the textbox and restart the game.

This game was created by a team of three, were each was responsible for their own part.

Alexander Kolar did the programming, however since it was his first game he did not quite manage to do everything we planned to do.

Alyssa Wozasek did an amazing job with the Art, however we did not manage to implement everything she drew. For example she also drew an antagonist who kidnapped the princess.

Markus Marik did some amazing music, which we unfortunately also did not manage to implement.

This game is much shorter than we planned, but we had to make a lot of cuts to finish within the jam window, since we also did not have time to work on it the whole weekend.

It was a fun experience to programm our first game and we plan to expand upon it.

While not immediately, we plan to atleast finish some of the stuff we started within the next weeks. Maybe we even expand upon this idea and create a bit more story to this game.

Well that, was it from us, thank you so much for playing our first try at game development.

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